Premilla Nadasen is Professor of History at Barnard College and a scholar-activist who writes and speaks on issues of race, gender, social policy and labor history. She is most interested in visions of social change, and the ways in which poor and working-class people, especially women of color, have fought for social justice. She has published extensively on the multiple meanings of feminism, alternative labor movements, and grass-roots community organizing. She is the author of two award-winning books, Welfare Warriors: The Welfare Rights Movement in the United States (Routledge 2005) and Household Workers Unite: The Untold Story of African American Women Who Built a Movement (Beacon 2015), a history of domestic worker activism in the post-war period.
“Scholar activism demands that we make our ideas accessible, but it also requires that we expand the meaning of intellectualism and scholarship to include the voices of those outside the academy.”